It's a pleasure to meet you. 👋

I’m Jin, a product designer and artist based in Seattle. If you are a Seattleite in the PNW, say hi!

My journey as a designer began when I was around 10 years old. I confidently wrote down “artist” in my illegible handwriting when we were told to write down what we wanted to be on our name tags for class. Ever since, I had a knack to create, whether it be on paper, canvas, clay, or computer screens.

I’ve come to understand that design requires more than just an expression of my imagination. I am no longer creating for my own sake, but for the needs, goals, and well-being of others. I hope that everyone feels heard through my designs - those I'm designing with and those I'm designing for.

Today, I'm a product designer at Rvnway, an innovation firm that works with clients to build digital products. When I’m not designing, I am a soccer fanatic, pen artist, and coffee addict.

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